Jagttegn/Hunting license/Jagdschein: 1981
Brian Lisborg is the founder of Mjølner Hunting. Brian started in the Hunting industry as a 16-year-old in 1981 and has been there ever since. The last many years as a hardware manager in one of Europe's leading manufacturers of hunting clothing, boots and gear. When the company decided to close the Hardware department, Brian Lisborg found the time right to start his own company in the industry, where he already was one of Europe's leading specialists.

Jagttegn/Hunting licens/Jagdchein 1992.
Self-employed in the tourism industry 2012-2020
Jeff is a passionate hunter, fisherman and gleaner.
By Mjoelner Hunting since January 2021

Jagttegn/Hunting license/Jagdschein: 1981
More than 30 years of experience in the Norwegian hunting and weapons business.
Frits is a passionate hunter mostly with rifle and has been hunting all over the world. Started at Mjoelner Hunting in 2019.

Emil has worked in the hunting industry since 2009 and has been hunting since he could hold a rifle. He runs Härkilas kennel with his father who has been one of the leading Swedish hunting dog kennels since the 1950s. Has a number of his own hunting dogs of the breeds jämthund and drever that he competes with both in hunting trials and dog shows. He mainly hunts moose, roe deer, and foxes but likes all types of hunting.

Jagttegn / Jagtlicens / Jagdschein: 1980
Morten Jans is a former officer / veteran and was later self-employed in the tourism industry. Morten has known Brian all his life. Morten is a passionate hunter, fisherman and amateur chef. Started at Mjoelner Hunting in 2019.

Pächterprüfung seit 2020.
Alain Oberholzer ist Inhaber einer Fischer-Lodge in Alaska und fishing guide, sowie Inhaber eines kleinen Jagdgeschäfts.
Seit vielen Jahren im Aussendienst / Vertrieb tätig, konnte Alain seine Hobbies, das Angeln und die Jagd zu seinem Beruf machen.
Er liebt es, sich draussen in der Natur aufzuhalten und die Jagd ist zur Passion geworden.

Sales Agents for the Territory of Poland. PH is a keen hunter and has known Brian and Morten for almost 25 years, hunting on different domestic and foreign sites. As many other hunters PH is well-known for his cooking and taste for life. PH has had various different companies and holds business academy diploma.
Sylwia is educated within the banking sector and has an in-depth knowledge of the Polish market – Not a hunter herself, but keen outdoors-woman and equestrian, she loves the exquisite nature and wilderness in Poland.
PH & Sylwia founded DOMUS DANICA in 2019 and became soon after the Sales representation for Mjoelner Huntig on the Polish market.

John Ekkenberg is born in Denmark, he moved to South Africa in 2004
Jagttegn/Hunting license/Jagdschein: 1979
John Ekkenberg is the founder of Ekkenberg Importers, Wildman Hunting & Outdoor and Amakulu Safari in Kimberley. John started in the Hunting and Safari industry in South Africa as a 40-year-old in 2003, Amakulu Safari have about 180 overseas client every year for safari trip and hunting in South Africa and in 2013 he opens up a hunting shop Wildman Hunting and Outdoor and Ekkenberg Importers in Kimberley town some sale and import hunting accessories in South Africa John Ekkenberg is (PH) professional hunter on big five and normal game and before he come to South Africa he has his own restaurant in Denmark